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Noticia en Español: Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. participa en La Encuesta de Corrupción Latinoamericana 2016

The report was developed in the 3 languages that are representative of Latin America; Spanish, English and Portuguese. The investigation focused on various important anticorruption topics that affect Latin America, including the following: the effects that corruption has on enterprises that operate in those countries, the perceptions of effectiveness that regional anticorruption laws seem to have, and the tools that companies have in order to combat corruption. Our Head Partner of the Anti-Corruption Practice, Diego Sierra, and his team have been deeply involved in this.

This is one of many recent initiatives that Von Wobeser ySierra has participated in, which emphasizes the Firm’s commitment with regard to anticorruption matters.

Diego Sierra and his team counsel companies with regard to anticorruption laws in Mexico in order to minimize acts ofcorruption from happening within their clients’ companies, and the risks which these pose. Furthermore, they have managed different anticorruption investigations with multinational clients.

To read the complete PDF of the Latin America CorruptionSurvey 2016 please click here, to see the

infographic on this topic, please click here.

For more information, please contact our expert:

Diego Sierra, Partner:

+ 52 (55) 5258-1039, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Kindest regards,